01 Sep City of Mandan – Board of Equalization
The City of Mandan Board of Equalization did not violate open meeting laws because no notice was necessary for a meeting it did not hold.[print-me] ...
The City of Mandan Board of Equalization did not violate open meeting laws because no notice was necessary for a meeting it did not hold.[print-me] ...
Request: What is the meaning of the phrase “electronic machine-readable code” as utilized in N.D.C.C. § 23-01-05.3. Conclusion: The term “electronic machine-readable code,” as utilized in N.D.C.C. § 23-01-05.3, is limited to a QR code related to vaccination records, but does not prohibit the use of QR...
Request: Did the Lake Region District Health Board violate the open meetings law by failing to properly notice a special meeting of a committee? Conclusion: The Lake Region District Health Board created a committee to conduct interviews for the administrator position. All five people on the committee...
May 19, 2022 Request: Did the Board of Chiropractic Examiners violate the open records law by withholding a recording of an executive session? Conclusion: The Board of Chiropractic Examiners held a regular meeting in March, during which an executive session was held to discuss closed or confidential...
May 19, 2022 Request: Did the Williston Parks & Recreation District Board violate the open meetings laws by improperly noticing an executive session and by not providing specific notice of a meeting? Conclusion: The Board held a special meeting. The notice listed the date, time and location...
May 13, 2022 Request: Did the Stark County Board of Commissioners violate the open meetings laws by failing to properly notice an executive session, not following the proper procedure for entering into an executive session, and denying access to the open portion of the meeting by...
April 6, 2022 Request: Did the City of Benedict violate the law by failing to properly notice a meeting? Conclusion: The City of Benedict held a regular meeting on July 12, 2021. The city prepared the agenda but admits that it failed to prepare or post notice of the...
March 25, 2022 Request: Does the Board of University & School Lands (“Board”) have authority to lease previously unleased lands through a subsequent public auction and if so, must this subsequent auction be held at the county seat? Conclusion: The Board may lease previously unleased lands at...
January 19, 2022 Request: Did the Stark County Commission violate the open records laws by failing to respond to a request within a reasonable time and by improperly denying a record request? Conclusion: At the time Stark County received the request for records relating to finalist applications...
January 19, 2022 Request: Did Hettinger Public School violate the open meetings laws by failing to properly describe the subject matter and legal authority before entering an executive session and by holding an unauthorized executive session? Conclusion: At its regular meeting, the Hettinger School Board received a letter from...