
December 22, 2022 Request: Did the Billings County Commission violate the open meetings laws when a quorum met in a series of smaller gatherings without providing notice to the public? Conclusion: The Billings County Commissioners met individually with then North Dakota Department of Transportation Director Bill Panos and...

November 16, 2022 Issued to:  Representatives Karla Rose Hanson and Zachary Ista Request:  Does state or federal law preclude a defendant from disclosing a patient’s PHI? Conclusion:  Although a patient’s PHI may not be required to prove an affirmative defense in all cases, it is reasonable to anticipate...

October 17, 2022 Issued to:         Butte Township Board of Supervisors Request:          Did the Butte Township Board of Supervisors violate the open meetings law by failing to properly notice meetings? Conclusion:     The Butte Township Board of Supervisors held special meetings on three dates in May and June 2021.  The...

October 17, 2022 Issued to:         Pelican Township Request:          Did the Pelican Township violate the open records laws when it denied a request for records citing pending litigation? Conclusion:     The Pelican Township received a request for records primarily concerning two township meetings during which decisions were made which led...

September 29, 2022 Issued to:  Lewis & Clark Public School Board Request:  Did the Lewis & Clark Public School Board violate the open meetings laws by failing to provide notice of meetings? Conclusion:  The Lewis & Clark Public School Board received a request from an individual for notice of all future...