Author: odney

Request: What is the meaning of the phrase “electronic machine-readable code” as utilized in N.D.C.C. § 23-01-05.3. Conclusion: The term “electronic machine-readable code,” as utilized in N.D.C.C. § 23-01-05.3, is limited to a QR code related to vaccination records, but does not prohibit the use of QR...

Request: Did the Lake Region District Health Board violate the open meetings law by failing to properly notice a special meeting of a committee? Conclusion: The Lake Region District Health Board created a committee to conduct interviews for the administrator position. All five people on the committee...

June 30, 2022 Media contact: Liz Brocker (701) 328-2213 BISMARCK, ND – “Today North Dakota secured a landmark U.S. Supreme Court victory in one of the most important environmental and energy law cases in decades, firmly establishing the States’ role as an equal partner with the Federal...